#GivingTuesday 2019: Save A Louisiana Life

It’s here! #GivingTuesday is a day to do good in your community, celebrate generosity, and save lives. This charitable holiday can make a BIG impact – last year, it raised over $400 million dollars online, from 3.6 million participants. Louisiana has one of the highest rates of cancer in the United States, and your donation can help prevent cancer in your own communities. Get in on the action this year by making a donation to Louisiana Cancer Prevention (LCP)!
Every year, LCP relies on the generous donations of folks, like you, to help keep our neighbors healthy. A woman in Lake Charles needs transportation to her mammogram; a community in Allen Parish needs a mini-grant to provide healthier food options to their neighbors; a woman needs help with her co-pay for her cervical cancer screening; and a clinic in Franklin needs to raise its colorectal cancer screening rates. Your donation will help prevent cancer across the entire state, and may even help someone you know.
Want to see what your donation can do? Even a small donation can make a big difference – check out this list below:
$5 can pay for:
- A bus token for a woman in a city who can’t afford to get her cancer screening appointment
$25 can pay for:
- A co-pay for an underinsured woman’s breast or cervical cancer screening
- A woman’s Pap test for cervical cancer screening
$50 can pay for:
- A gas card for a woman in a rural area who can’t afford to travel to her appointment
- A co-pay for a woman’s breast or cervical cancer diagnostic test
- A woman’s HPV test
$100 can pay for:
- A follow-up visit after a cancer diagnosis
- A colorectal cancer navigator to assist a person who experiences obstacles to getting screened
$200 can pay for:
- A woman’s mammogram for breast cancer screening
$1000+ can pay for:
- A mini-grant to fund a community working to prevent obesity and smoking, with things like park improvements, no smoking signs, and more
- 6 months of community outreach for cancer screenings
So what are you waiting for? Click below to make a donation or grab some friends and family to donate together – it can save someone’s life!
To donate, click below and select “Louisiana Cancer Prevention” in the designation.