Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021!

Congratulations, you made it through 2020! Surviving a pandemic has been no easy feat, so take a moment to celebrate your journey. The year has been filled with a few ups and downs, so we figured the perfect way to end a crazy year is with just a little stability. Making small changes can improve your health and reduce your cancer risk greatly. Come up with some New Year’s resolutions to make sure you start 2021 on the right foot!
Here’s a few helpful tips to get you started:
Keep up with your Medical Appointments
Don’t let COVID-19 stop you from scheduling your routine screenings. Make sure to call your healthcare provider and schedule any of the recommended screenings or vaccines. Learn about your risk factors and be proactive heading into the new year!”
Quit Smoking
Quitting tobacco use would be the ultimate way to end 2020. If you quit now, think of all the extra time you can spend with loved ones. Smoking and vaping place you at higher risk of complications for COVID-19, especially if you suffer from other chronic diseases. Check out the free quitting resources on our site – you can do it!
Recipe Substitutions
The most effective way to lose weight is to change your eating habits. Did you know you can still eat your favorite holiday treats? Just make a few minor adjustments. For example, ask your favorite coffee shop to substitute dairy milk for soy or almond milk to cut down on calories. You can also substitute avocado for butter in a lot of baking recipes.
Vary your Plates
When you can’t make any substitutions to the recipe, make sure to monitor your portion sizes. Being mindful of your portions will help you stay healthy. Experts recommend veggies take up half your plate. Try a new veggie this season or incorporate veggies into your favorite family recipes. Check out these yummy recipes from the American Institute for Cancer Research.
Get Moving
Make sure you get your steps in! Exercise will help you maintain your weight, improve mental focus, or even improve your mood. Go for a quick morning jog, set up your holiday decorations, or watch your favorite holiday movie and do jumping jacks during the commercials. Be creative and get your heart pumping!
We hope this list gets you thinking about your New Year’s resolutions and new year routines. Here’s to 2021! From all of us at the Louisiana Cancer Prevention, we wish you a safe holiday season!