Our New Website Is Here!

Am I the only one old enough to remember the movie “The Jerk”? I hope not, because as I sat down to write this blog, all I could think of was the scene where Steve Martin started excitedly jumping up and down, yelling “The new phone book is here! The new phone book is here!”
That’s how I feel about this new Louisiana Cancer Prevention & Control Programs (LCP) website. I am so excited that it is finally complete – and that all the other programs under our LCP umbrella have new or recently updated websites! Our aim at LCP with all of these sites is to make information easy to find, easy to understand, and easy to use. Cancer can be scary, but when you understand that so many of the cancers we’re afraid of can be easily prevented or beaten, than you have the upper hand.
So let us help you. Our mission is to eliminate suffering and death in Louisiana by focusing on cancers that can be prevented or detected early and cured. These cancers are:
And our site has information on all of them, ranging from screenings to risk factors – and even links in our resources section for people to get financial help! So surf around and check it out. And follow the links too. For example:
- Are you a woman having trouble getting regular cancer screenings? Our Louisiana Breast & Cervical Health Program (LBCHP) can provide you no-cost mammograms and Pap tests.
- Are you a health provider who wants to improve your HPV vaccine uptake rate? Or a parent who just wants to know more? We have materials and facts that can help.
- Do you work for a Federally Qualified Health Center, or an organization that wants to raise colorectal cancer screening rates? We can help you – in two different ways.
- If you’re a smoker who wants to quit, go here!
- And if you want to make your hometown a better place to live, get to know the Louisiana Healthy Communities Coalition (LHCC). Tobacco and obesity are the biggest causes of death and disease in this country, causing heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, etc. and LHCC provides mini-grants and technical support to communities fighting those – in whichever way they choose!
Those are just a few of the things we do to prevent these cancers. It’s a tragedy that this group of cancers, including some of the most deadly in the state, nation, and world, could be so easily PREVENTED or STOPPED.
So get screened!
- Make sure your kids, boys and girls, get the HPV vaccine around age 11 or 12 – it can help stop multiple cancers.
- If you’re age 50 and over, get regular colorectal cancer screenings.
- There is simply no reason to smoke or vape, so get help to quit today.
- Like and follow us on our social media platforms to get great information every day on how to prevent cancer, and be healthier and happier!