
8 Things to Know Before Your First Chemo Treatment: Tips on how to prepare for your first chemo treatment and what questions to ask your doctor.

American Cancer Society: The American Cancer Society offers information on common treatments for cancer like chemotherapy and radiation. They offer resources and tools to help manage side effects and  monitor treatment. The American Society of Clinical Oncology’s patient information website, Cancer.Net, provides educational resources and oncologist-approved information on more than 125 types of cancer. Information on genetics, clinical trials, coping, sexual and reproductive health, survivorship, advocacy, cancer in young adults and more.

Cancer Support Community: Cancer Support Community has a comprehensive list of numerous cancers with treatment options and side effects of treatment.

Cancer Research Institute- What is Immunotherapy?: The Cancer Research Institute funds the full spectrum of immunotherapy research, from lab to clinic to cure. The website features information on what immunotherapy is, how it works, and how immunotherapy can be used for cancers such as breast, cervical, and lung cancer.

Chemotherapy vs. Radiation: Learn the differences between chemotherapy and radiation, what each are used for, and the side effects of both.

Global Resource for Advancing Cancer Education (GRACE): Global Resource for Advancing Cancer Education (GRACE) provides expert information on current cancer treatments and symptom management. The website features general cancer information, webinars on cancer treatment and symptom management, and an opportunity to participate in moderated discussion forums.

John Hopkins University Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center: The Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center has active programs in clinical research, laboratory research, education, community outreach, and prevention and control. The website also has cancer treatment options and new treatment approaches for a variety of cancers.

Mayo Clinic: Cancer treatment decisions- 5 steps to help you decide: Deciding what treatment is best can be hard. The Mayo Clinic staff compiled 5 steps to help the patient and doctor decide on the best treatment.

Mayo Clinic: 10 Options to Consider to Relieve Your Symptoms: Alternative cancer treatments can’t cure cancer, but they can provide relief from symptoms caused by cancer and treatment. The Mayo Clinic Staff compiled a list of 10 safe alternative treatments to help manage anxiety, fatigue, nausea, pain, sleep problems, and stress.

National Cancer Institute-Cancer Treatment: The National Cancer Institute’s website offers information on types of cancer treatment, side effects of treatment, clinical trial basics, questions to ask about your treatment, and much more.

Ten Questions to Ask Your Doctor After a Cancer Diagnosis: Learn the 10 basic questions to ask your doctor after a cancer diagnosis to be prepared and informed.